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Luton Borough Council

Support and development for newly qualified teachers

We look forward to welcoming you to Luton as one of over 100 newly qualified teachers who commence their careers in the Borough each year.

You will be valued for the vitality, enthusiasm and freshness of ideas which newly qualified teachers can offer our pupils. 

You can also be assured of the necessary support which will enable you to build successfully on your initial training and to further develop your skills and confidence.

Luton invests its trust in the talents and capabilities of its teaching force in raising standards in education. As a newly qualified teacher, you will be actively encouraged to contribute fully to the life of the school and the education service.


All newly qualified teachers are required, by law, to complete an induction period of the equivalent of three terms. All Luton schools will provide you with an induction programme which enables you to both build on your strengths, and identify your priorities for development. 

You will also be actively supported and encouraged to take your career profile from Initial Teacher Training into your induction year which will form the basis for your professional development.

Your school-based support will complement Luton's well established induction programme for newly qualified teachers. 

The programme consists of a series of ten half-day sessions to support you through the year, where topics such as teaching and learning, classroom and behaviour management; assessment, working with parents and other adults, and special educational needs will be addressed. 

Importantly, the programme provides teachers with opportunities to meet colleagues from local schools and establish links and friendships.

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ